Monday 5 January 2009

Bokura ga ita **keeping the hope up**

well well well... I still haven't given up the idea that Bokura ga Ita could stay incomplete forever so I continued my desperate search for news. It seems that the rumor for a possible new chapter release on the 26th was just a rumor after all I wasn't able to find any confirmation from the official sources. What I found today however is a tiny bit of information which looks more reliable than the previous news. Apparently on the issue 12 of Betsucomi " BGI is listed to be continued. We don't have a date yet ( so we may even talk about the end of 2009 for this matter) but clearly this shows an intention to go on with the story. And it also means that Obata sensei herself may be fully recovering herself. By the way the original page for my source can be found here. The translated version I used is here. I apologise in advance for the poor quality of the translation Unfortunately the only tool at my disposal was google translator so i couldn't do any better ^^" hope you can still get a grasp of the entire post. Like I said I consider this piece of news (if can call it so myself) much more reliable than what I posted previously. Even because the notice on the Betsucomi website itself announces that the manga will be soon resumed. ( the translated version is not very clear but there you go )

So all in all..let's continue least we know that someday our patience shall be rewarded