OK in volume 12, the chapter ends right where the last post finished. Yano and Dai ( Dais the owner of the club Yano works at) go out for a drink after work but during the night out Yano feels sick. Dani takes him to his place and finds out that a packet of sleeping pills in his back pocket. Yano admits that he's been using them for a year now because sometimes the memories of his past still haunt him ( probably this is also the reason why he is so restless..)
Anyway the chapter officially ends with Yano remembering that episode with Yuri back at junior high and the text that reads" please don't seek to save me".
However, during my research I noticed that this is not how the story ended when it was first published on Betsucomi. In facts, there are some pages which have been cut out..pages which I think extremely important to understand why Yano and Yuri ended up living together.
I really don't know why they have been removed from the manga. Probably the author is thinking to add them in volume 13. Perhaps she is thinking to completely change the course of the events. I really don't know this.
What I know is that finally I get an answer to my doubts about the relationship between Yano and Yuri.
Ok if you don't want to read the spoiler please stop here.
if you are mad curious just like me ( de-he) just carry on reading.
It appears that after being rejected again by Yano, Yuri didn't show up at work for a few days (?). Maiko decides to go and see her to make sure she is ok. When she gets there find the entrance door open and Yuri lying on the floor.
Unfortunately I am not able to quote the text in these scene because it is all in chinese but from various commentaries which I managed to translated it appears that *Yuri attempted to kill herself*. OMFG, when I read this sentence I literally jumped on my seat.
This is exactly what I was expecting from her!!! I couldn't believe that this part was omitted in the volume leaving me in complete and utter confusion as to why those two were living together. After this scene, everything makes so much sense!!
Also, I am assuming that the last line "don't seek to save me" appears after this sequence. Then the one saying it must not be Yano but Yuri herself?
Anyway now is pretty obvious why Yano decided to go and live together with Yuri. Yuri extreme action left Yano with no other choices. Especially if we consider the past experience with Yano's mother.
Yano is already guilt ridden for his mother's death. She took her life on the day he was due to leave for Hokkaido. He feels responsible for overlooking her mother's feelings. He was to absorbed in leaving and seeing Nanami.
He now must feel the same towards Yuri. The idea of being responsible for another death ( the third after Nana and his mother) is simply too much to bear ( for everybody) so he has no choice but to accept her ultimatum.
to download BGI vol 12 ( japanese) click here
to get the missing pages of chapter 47 ( chinese) click here
to read the full version online ( chinese) click here
*** very important edit: chapter 47 in English is up and available to download on Jshojo******
Sunday, 18 January 2009
Bokura ga ita chapter 47 ~the mistery of the missing pages
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great blog and great read!
continue with your fantastic work :D
but i must hardly dissagree with your possible ending. I think almost everybody wants nana-chan and yano to be together and that's why we are so blinded by cliffhangers and since we all like to interpret the best we can in pictures we are given too, we can nothing but run into the complete wrong direction and thus assume that yano and nana might not be together ;) Bokura ga ita is just too good of an anime to have a bad ending :)
Hi Nunchuck,
Many Thanks for your comment ^_^ I'm glad u enjoyed the post. I'm also happy to share my (ramblings)obsession with my fellow BGI fans !! About the ending, I am a big Nana+Yano fan too and of course I want them to be together again! In the post I was only talking about the events described in chapter 47 . I needed so badly to find out the reason why Yano and Yuri were living together. ( Thankfully) this fact does not describe the conclusion of the entire story or the end of Yano and Nana's relationship. Despite the fact that he is living with Yuri, Yano is still in love with Nana ( the following chapters are very clear about this ) I am sure that there is more to discover with the release of chapter 52 and more tears to be shed (tears of joy!!!).. Can't wait!!
I totally agree with you! May I ask if you have a translated script of the chapter 49-51? All I found was the chinese versin and since today I wasn't able to translate the text to english or get a hint of what they might say. Too bad that I do not have any chinese friends who could do me the favor to translate that language :I. If you have anything, but the chinese version feel free to write it in your blog^^ I bookmarked it :p
Yano is such a mess without Nana-chan^^ Hopefully this will end like all the mangas obata yuri has written so far.. happy ;)
Hi, I am deperately searching for someone who at least could give me a summary spoiler for chapters 49-50. ( otherwhise I'll have no choice but to learn chinese myself ahahahaahah *is shot in the head*)I have already some for chapter 51 but I like to do things in order *lol*. Soon I'll post the recap for chapter 48!!!
hEy mM weLl i AGRee wIth tOTALLy!! Its Soo sad BUt AT tHE samE tIMe gIVe Us a LIttLe HopE oF a yanoxnana GeT bACk 2GethER.. I reallY fEEl SorRy 4 yUrI AND piTy hER.. cAUsE ShE KNoWS Tath YanO Its WiTh Her jUSt BeCAUse hE ll pRoBABLy gO MAD iF another Dead GETs On HIs liFe, AND iTs sAD CAUsE yANO ALrEADy sUFfer SsSoOoO MuCh!! i KnoW He uSEd hER IN mIffLe sCHoOl anD all.. bUt He dIdNT dESerVE iT.. jUST WiTH tHe DEad If hIs MOm AND eX gIrL Its trAGIc EnOuGH.. BUt oUr DEAReST YuUki ObatA seNseI dONT tHInk That Way..CauSE This yURi PsYchO iTs JusT sO HARD To Get LooSE!! i reALLy hoPe That in THe NeAR fUtuRE ShE ReALIzE That hE dIdNT lovE YANO AND tHAT shE CANT!! mAKe hiM happY!! ANd ALL ThiS SAD, dePrESsiVe,AddIctIvE AND BEauTIfUl!! StOrY HAvE a HAPPy EndiNg!! nANa ANd yaNo DesERve It!! i LOvE uR bLOG !! HeHe wIsH u LUck!! cIAO
I was trying to download the missing pages from chapter 47 (I'm so curious!) but I can't get it to load... is it still there? I also can't get the Chinese Raws page to load either. ^__^;
Lol Penny thank you for your comment! I totally agree it I waiting for this happy ending to arrive soon as well ^_^
Hi Keemoo,
The Megaupload link is defnitely working, i checked it today but the chinese scanlation link seems to be broken..I'll find a replacemenet asap
Ahhh im so into this anime ive only read up to chapter 46 and i cant seem to find chapter 47 anywhere, well i have in chinese and i cant read chinese. i really wanna no wot happens even though im readin spoilers. any one no where i can read da nect few chapters?
hi Sushii thanks for your comment!
Chapter 47 is not up yet so we have to be patient and wait ( I know, i know easier said than done ^_^)
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