Saturday, 6 December 2008

bokura ga ita chapter 46 and 47

it has been a month since the scanlation of chapter 45 so the next chapter should be up any day soon. Not long ago i found a summary spoiler of chapters 46 and 47 on Animesuki ( all the credit and thanks go to the original poster Nervous Venus, who took the time to read and translate these chapters for the joy of all BGI fans, yay!) so I managed to read the new chapters i have in raw. ( the raw of vol 12 are here . I also have the raw of vol 11 which can be downloaded here)

These two chapters do not show us any factual progression in Nana and Yano's love story. ( well at least chapter 45 had so many crucial points,it made me scream with joy.
First Nana finds out where Yano works ( which tells me it won't be long before we see her at his workplace looking for him). Second we know that Yano hasn't gotten over Nana yet ( that conversation with Aki must have shaken Yano's feeling very badly as he couldn't stop thinking about it for the rest of the night). Third, we find out that Yano is now living Yuri ( omg, this is a real shocker , which adds more angst and mystery to the plot. It will sure represent another big obstacle to a possible Yano and Nana's reunion).
At this point in time we don't know why/how Yano and Yuri happen to live together.

Chapter 46 and 47 start to unfold the mystery behind their relationship. Like Yano's story ( few chapters before) the events are narrated from the very beginning but this time it's Yuri's perspective.
I can't help but having mixed feelings about Yamamoto Yuri. On one hand you have to admire her perseverance. No matters how many times she's been hurt and rejected by Yano, she always comes back trying her hardest to win his heart ( and apparently she finally succeeded!)
On the other hand i fear her feelings for him are nothing but the result of a great deal of personal issues and lack of self-esteem. Why is she so desperate to get him to love her?
From what I can read Yano is the only form of love she has ever experienced in her life Image which is really sad, if you ask me. Even because Yano blantantly admitted to Yuri's face he did have sex with her just to get over his girlfirend's death ( aka Yuri's sister!!!!). He never showed any sign of affection towards Yuri after that event.
Still that meant something to Yuri. For the first time in her life she felt accepted, wanted and loved. So Yano's half-harted interest becomes the only happiness she can aspire to.

But what happended during these years that made Yano and Yuri's relationship change?
Can I believe that Yano finally accepts Yuri's feelings because he realizes she is the only one who can truly understand him?
After all, they have been through a lot together. Even more now , since both have experienced the premature death of a family member. They have a lot in common, but still something else must have happened to trigger Yano's heart change.

In chapters 46 and 47 the events are set after Yano's mother death so presumably Yano has already left Nanami and is still very cold towards Yuri. It is interesting to notice that Yano still refers to Nana as his girlfriend although he has broken contact with her.

So why did Yano gave up on Nana completely and chose Yuri instead?
The reason is not given yet. In chapter 47 we see Yano is working restlessly ( he has 2 part time jobs) probably in an attempts to escape form his own demons. He seems not to allow himself sometime to stop and think. I wonder whether he gets any sleep at all. At this point Yano is still very distant to Yuri but it looks like he is surviving on a very fragile equilibrium himself.
I can only make assuptions now. And to me the reason why he left Nanami is because he felt he couldn't protect her anymore.
Like Aki-chan said to Nana, Yano" Knew what was precious to him. He lived to protect those things.."
I remember Yano himself once said to Nanami something along the line: "when I become an adult I will be the one who protects not the one being protected" . Since he thinks he failed to protect his mother he fears he wont be able to protect Nanami either. Leaving her to Take was the best thing he could do in her own interest. I know, this is not exactly the best love confession but still i think is sweet( in a very twisted way)

I admit it. I am still struggling to understand why he decided to move in with Yuri Yamamoto. On one hand I think he may be still using her as a way to cope with his grief like the time back in junior high school. Although this seems a bit forced after all that happened back then. I would be somehow stupid of Yano to make the same mistake again. Unless this is the very mistake Yuri is pursuing. Probably she thinks that being Yano's rebound girl is the only way to be with him.

On the other hand I reckon that the reason may be much more subtle like somekind of emotional blackmail from Yuri's side. A very desperate love confession in which Yuri threatened tragic consequences should Yano decide to leave her again. Something which could have triggered all his guilt ridden memories about his mother's suicide.( I wont be surprised if it turns out to be true lol. Yuri is so desperate to be loved ( by Yano) that she doesn't even consider his feelings for that matter)

i don't find hard to believe that Yano is attracted to Yuri. But I can't convince myself 100% he is in love with her. Yuri has a very disillusioned idea about love itself but Yano hasn't. He seems to deny this to himself now, but after he made the choice to be with Yuri, why is he still haunted by those memories with Nanami? Could he just be feeling guilty about the way he left her ? Or is he regretting leaving her all together ?
In chapter 45, he talks about breaking his promises, hurting her feelings and trampling all over her trust... but we don't know what exactly is he referring to.

But I found really interesting that Yano kept himself is well informed about his (ex)girlfriend's current love/life situation in spite of the fact that they haven't seen/spoken to eachother for years.
More importanly, Yano never said he wasn't in love with Nana anymore. Nor to Takeuchi three years ago or Aki-chan more recently. That would have been the easiest thing to say to let Nanami go completely. yet he didn't ( or couldn't) say it


Anonymous said...

hey well i find very interesting you point of view and i totally agree, with it, i mean its like so obvious!! that yuri only use her bond with nana san as an excuse to be with yano, i know she loves him and all that stuff but, i think is more like an obsession for him cause.. i know this is going to sound cheessy but.. if u trully love someone, and if u know that he or she is happy with someone else, then you let him/her go, cause that way his/her happiness will be my happiness, and i think thats why yano let go of takahashi cause with all of his mother dead, and the financial problems i think that he maybe think that he cant make takahashi happy, and decide to "leave" her with take.... so as aki says he put her beyond anyone else, and if he its going to suffer, its ok with him as long as takaha.. its happy, but he didnt realise that she is only going to be happy with him.. its all so complicated but i think that probably happened-- so my conclusion is:
yuri is so selfish that even if yano is not happy with her, she is happy because she finally "got" him as a body cause im 100% sure, she doesnt have his heart, and yano love takahashi so much that he just give up..
well i thinks its all.. im looking forward to read the next chap. keep well ciao

ema said...

Hi Penny,
Thank you very much for your comment. I do agree entinerly with you. on one hand Yano's choice to let Nana go may appear a bit selfish and cruel ( especially to Nana since he never told her anything). On the other hand,it shows a great deal of self sacrifice and love. I am still convinced that Yano left Nana because he cares too much about her not because he fell out of love with her. Yes the fact that he's living with another girl ( and that this girl is Yuri Yamamoto) is quite shocking, but after reading the spoilers about chapter 47, I am convinced that he had no other choice ^^!!

Unknown said...

when is it gonna come out? :( i've been waiting for so long..