Tuesday, 18 November 2008

definition of obsession.

OK, since this blog is all about my obsessions i decided that my very first post should have had a clear definition of the term obsession to start with.
Very well then. An obsession is in fact an impulse triggered by an "object" ( be it an image, a person or a idea) which generates a series of recurring thoughts that cannot be ignored. Of course I am no t an expert so i'll say that this definition should be applied to the way I feel about my own obsessions.

By the way I like the fact that an obsession is some sort of Impulse. It gives a positive connotation to the word itself. When you talk about an obsession you always refer to it as something negative. In this case the word impulse gives you a more optimistic idea. And here you start thinking about pulsation, instinct, sudden desires, energy and life itself.
We are all happy to have impulses, they make feel us alive whereas having an obsession is something you need to be worried about. ( or if you're like me, just make a blog about it )

Anyway before deciding to open this blog, I surfed the Internet in search of some self-help tips to deal with my obsession.I came across this page on Wiki How . Full article here
The text in blue is mine

  1. Understand it won't stop immediately. When you are obsessed, it is a bit like addiction - it won't go away overnight. Start by slowly stopping. If you try to completely stop, at first it won't work. After you feel the obsession is easing off, stop some more. ( how about tablets like when you try to quit smoking? otherwise you'll get withdrawal symptoms)
  2. Find something else. Try to be obsessed on something else ( this is priceless XD). It helps if it is something your friend is obsessed about ( what happens if the friend tries the same technique?). If you can't get obsessed with it, just pretend (lol ). When you start forgetting about the other thing, stop going on about both of them.
  3. Take away reminders. If you have stuck pictures of it all over your wall or something, start taking them off. Remember, though, that like everything else, if you do it straight away it won't work. The more gradually the better. Anything that is going to remind you of the obsession will not help. (tough, what about the pictures in my mind O_o *obsessive imagination*)
  4. Make sure you know you want to. Remember that almost everyone is obsessed about something(phew), be it lampposts, cars or celebrities. Do not be ashamed of an obsession, but understand that one will just lead to another. ( hence there is no way out, yay!!!)