Since I have been talking a lot about music and OST, I decided to dedicate this post to another favourite OSTof mine. This song is featured in the OST single La Corda D'Oro Brand New Breeze. The title is The Power and is sung by Kanon ( who also performs the anime OP ). Anyway this second piece is not as popular as the OP but I think is equally beautiful and emotional.
I wanted to post it on YouTube because I noticed that nobody has done it yet. Since I didn't like the idea of people listening to the song with a black screen in front of them, I decided to stick a few pictures of the main characters. Many of the images have been taken from the sim game. I don't own the game itself ( I wish I did!!) and the few pictures I managed to get are courtesy of the fans who posted them on the Internet. YesAsia has the game in psp format but unfortunately it is not available for shipping in Europe and Usa. ( NO FAIR...***) Anyway if you liked the images you may want to take a look at this website which contains few more pictures of the psp games. ( it looks like there is a new guy in town ..his name is Etou Kiriya and he plays the violin..ahaha a little more competition for Len !!)
If you read the manga, you will be happy to know that a new chapter has been posted on Manga Fox ( is a side story about Len and we get to see him when he was a 4th cute!!!)
Saturday, 31 January 2009
La Corda d'oro the power
Posted by ema at 7:06 pm 0 comments
Labels: anime la corda d'oro, manga, music, romance, tv, Youtube
中央線 加藤いづみ & the small things that make u feel good
Uh- uh it's double post today!! In spite of the fact that I am completely knackered by another day of overtime at work, sleep deprived and completely exhausted by my temperamental PC (still can't understand why it decided to give up on wireless connection <<") here I am posting again. No, In spite of all that I won't moan about anything. Because it's too tiring ( and tomorrow gotta wake up in time to go to work ) plus wouldn't get me anywhere ( especially with my wireless adapter!!). So, this time I will concentrate on the little positives things, small pleasures, nice surprises that have helped to cheer me up a little. Like Cristina's banana cake this morning at work, or a cup of hot cappuccino when u just come home and is freezing outside. It's strange, but it can take so little to make your day. the other morning at work , I was feeling all blue and grumpy because it was only 8 o'clock and there was tons of work waiting for me but then I answer a call from this customer and the first thing he says is.."oh what a lovely bubbly voice. It;'s so nice to hear it first thing in the morning" That came out so out of the blue ( cos I wasn't feeling even near to bubbly that day) but this person was being so nice and honest that I really felt happy to help him out . Anyway it's impressive the impact that such small gestures, like an smile, or a compliment can have on people. We always worry about finding true happiness in life, we pursue it and we work hard to reach it but most of the time the journey isn't happy at all. is it possible that the real happiness is the one you live in a particular moment and then can only be appreciated in small things ? Long lasting happiness is made by tons of little happy moments? Now I am thinking about BGI again. When Yano asked Nanami what happiness. Her answer is schockingly simple and true.. something that warms you up. Happiness is something that warms you heart. Just like this song by Idzumi Katou ( yes, yet another artist from the BGI soundtrack!!). This is from her last album "Favorite" and the song titled translates something like "central line". The original Japanese title is 中央線.
Her music is just magical and relaxing. it has such a positive vibe and the power of changing you mood from the first minute you hear her voice. I feel happy when I listen to her, do you?
Ps To get the Bokura ga ita album with the Song by Idzumi Katou go here
**And still there is more for you music lovers. If you are a fan of Chinese, Japanese and Korean music Please, do check this website out . It has loads of great music to download!! Credits and thanks go to my mate suifantasy !!!!**
Posted by ema at 12:01 am 0 comments
Labels: bokura ga ita, download, japan, love, music, obsession, random, romance
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Mi- Give Me Up
Ah ah. This so has to be posted here.I was possessed by random a nostalgia mood ( yes I do get these sort of attacks from times to times O_o) so I went in search of some nice good old music from the 80s. While I was browsing the videos on YouTube I found this (!!!).
This is a cover of a 1987 song called Give me up ( as you can see from the title *lol*). Anyway the point of this post is not really the song itself but who is singing it .
The faces didn't not look familiar but heck as soon as I played the clip I realised that the voices were...
So here they are Maika, Aya and Yuri also known as MI. In case you are still wondering.. yes they are the same band that sings Kimi Dake Wo in the BGI opening ^_^ ( and many, many other tracks as well)
Apparently the song Sunset was already present in the first album ( released in 2005) before being included in the anime OST ( Kimi Dake Wo appears in their second album released in 2007)
Anyway here you can find the complete discography including albums, singles and downloads.
If you want to get the tracks featured in the anime I'd recommend to get the BGI vocal album Eien ( link here)
Posted by ema at 11:06 pm 2 comments
Labels: anime, bokura ga ita, download, japan, music, pop, tv
Sunday, 25 January 2009
Bokura ga ita the anime OST
bokura ga ita
One thing I really like about BGI the anime is the soundtrack. There are so many beautiful instrumental tracks as well as vocal pieces that is really hard for me to choose a favourite ( especially among the ending themes!!!). I am a sappy hopeless romantic so songs like
Kotoba, Sunset, Utsukushisugite give me the chills. But then again I also love Aishiteru and Futari no kisetu ga. ( now that I think of it, I also made an AMV with this song). In the playlist here you can listen to the most popular themes. Anyway If you'd like to get these songs and other themes from the OST, stay tuned cos I will post some useful link and info on the albums ( there are 5 in total)
Happy listening!!!
Posted by ema at 1:45 pm 2 comments
Labels: anime, bokura ga ita, download, japan, manga, music, obsession, romance
Saturday, 24 January 2009
VK chapter 47 dreaming of Zero *faints*
The anime may be over but thankfully the manga is still ongoing. And my, at this moment I don't even care about the fact that there won't be an anime season no 3 or an OAV or whatever. What I care about now is to let myself being overwhelmed by Zero's awesomeness.
To tell you the truth there isn't much of Zero like in the previous chapter ( the kiss chapter !!) but still the little scenes in which he appeared didn't fail my expectation ( sorry Kaname and YuKi I apologise if I sound a bit biased in this *lols*)
Anyway the chapter begins with YuKi remembering the good old times with Zero . ( we also get an image of Zero smiling *faints*) She cries in desperation because she is aware that those times are gone forever.. since Zero intends to kill her when they will meet again !! her mind can't help but picturing the moment they kissed and she finally realises the truth. She finally understands that Zero has been in love with her ( yeah you finally got it , girl!!) for ever. All the past memories, Zero's mysterious attitude ( well mysterious to her) seems to fit into place. So finally she sees Zero's true feelings. But will this change anything considering that she still is a vampire?
Although Yuki finally found her real self and her place next to Kaname, she still seems missing something. The part she is missing in her life is Zero! ( omg!!!!)
However Zero' s life is filled with other worries ( and much more trouble) as the hunter assosiation that is plotting to kill him off ....
Back at the academy dorm we see the situation post the terrible battle against Rido. The day class student finally realize that the night class student are actually vampires. The seem frightened at first but then they actually refuse to have their memory erased and forget the truth. ( kudos to Aido cos he looks terribly cute in this scene)
Kaname ( still badly wounded from the previous fight with Zero) returns to the academy and announces that the threat is over and the council is now defeated . However, he also says he can no longer stay at the academy so dismiss his fellows vampires and leaves with Yuki. While they're leaving Zero is returning to the academy. He's carrying Ichiru's body . Yuki, who is walking hand in hand with Kaname, sees him from a window in the corridor and stops. No needs for words in the scene. Zero's glance says it all ( !!!!). Kaname calls Yuki and then starts walking ahead. Yuki is still there, staring at Zero walking through the academy yard with his dead brother in his arms..... ( OMG!!! this scene gives me the chills)
The manga scanalation can be found here. Again, thanks to Sagakure for sharing with us!!
Posted by ema at 10:58 pm 0 comments
Labels: anime, japan, kaname kuran, love, manga, romance, vampire knight, zero kiryu
Friday, 23 January 2009
Bokura ga ita the anime,where to watch
Well, I never really talked about the anime which really is a shame because, in facts, I owe my current obsession to the show itself . So today's post will be entinerly dedicated to the anime version( and to several websites which host the episodes) . I haven't got the official DVD yet, mainly because I haven't decided if I want to wait for the licenced english version or not. The thing is I would love to watch the episodes and actually understand every line that has been said, however I am so used to the original voices now that it would feel too strange watching the show dubbed . Whilst t I am still here pondering on my dilemma I decided to group a few links together and create a small directory resource to tame our BGI cravings. I put myself in search of these websites simply because the channel I used to watch Bokura Ga ita on has removed the show ( PANIC!!!)
So I thought that some back up might be useful ( of course until the DVD dilemma is not resolved lol)
Anyway let's start with the obvious, YouTube. Which is OK, if you don't mind each episode being divided in 3 parts.
So If it is the version with the English sub you're after I will rather go to Veoh and subscribe to wiish's channel. Veoh at least lets you watch the single episodes full length.
- To enjoy the show just click here To download the episodes with the English subs you can go here or here.
- If you prefer to watch with the Spanish subs you can click here. By the way I really like the Spanish title Erase una vez nosotros ( which literally means WE WERE THERE). It really has a good sound. If you want to download the episodes with the Spanish sub, I found this interesting forum here
- If you want German subs you can click here
- For Chinese subs and quality video, please go here
- Polish subs here
- Arabic subs . Only for download, no streaming. Please click here
- *New* French subs can be found on Veoh. To view click here and subscribe to maleaa's channel. I have also found a torrent link to download the episodes here ( you have to register first though). The manga in french is called C'etait nous ( lovely title!!)
- *New* Italian subs here. I couldn't find a playlist but if you go to Mage00 channel you can see that all the episodes are there. Also, the fansubs are available on emule for download .
Please note, All the credits should go to the fansubbers accros the globe who translated and subbed the anime for us all. A big thank you to you guys for you hard work!!!
If I come across more fansubs or downloadable episodes I will update my list ^_^
Posted by ema at 11:25 pm 7 comments
Labels: anime, bokura ga ita, download, love, manga, romance, tv
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
dangerous video Akon & Kimagure Orange Road
This Amv comes in a double version *lol*. Here you find the original and *censored* version featuring the song Dangerous by Akon. Then we have the YouTube version. The song picked in YT is called What do you want and is by Magdalene's dream. It is not exactly what I had in mind for this video( as obviously I edited with another song in mind) plus it makes it look a little sinister, while what I wanted was something more playful. But at the end of the day the tune itself is not too random and I think that it was the best choice out of all the song available. By the way, I noticed that UMI put an Ad on my video as apparently the song is available to download on YouTube. Now I wonder, why couldn't they they do it with the original song? Is not like I was going to claim it as mine.
I wonder how much UMI gets paid everytime someone click on a video/song played off their own channel ? The would explain why they are so interested in taking down fan made videos with the most popular songs or swapping the audio with less known songs ( just to get free advertising, right?) They must make an awful amount of money. otherwise,I can't really see the point in this. Anyway, although this copyright story may be annoying for some aspects it may be interesting for others. For instance you get to have a double version of the same AMV..
- Oh I was about to forget..the YouTube version can be found here
Tuesday, 20 January 2009
Lily Allen - The Fear
this song has been stuck in my mind forever . I listened to it this morning in the radio while I was driving to work and while it was playing I couldn't decide if I like it or hate it. I don't know, I am not a big fan of Lily Allen and I don't know an awful lot about her music but the girl really knows how to drill a catchy tune in your that's all for my daily obsession...
The video is meh but the actual music would be a perfect soundtrack for a commercial...
EDIT: listen to/download the song here
Sunday, 18 January 2009
Bokura ga ita chapter 47 ~the mistery of the missing pages
OK in volume 12, the chapter ends right where the last post finished. Yano and Dai ( Dais the owner of the club Yano works at) go out for a drink after work but during the night out Yano feels sick. Dani takes him to his place and finds out that a packet of sleeping pills in his back pocket. Yano admits that he's been using them for a year now because sometimes the memories of his past still haunt him ( probably this is also the reason why he is so restless..)
Anyway the chapter officially ends with Yano remembering that episode with Yuri back at junior high and the text that reads" please don't seek to save me".
However, during my research I noticed that this is not how the story ended when it was first published on Betsucomi. In facts, there are some pages which have been cut out..pages which I think extremely important to understand why Yano and Yuri ended up living together.
I really don't know why they have been removed from the manga. Probably the author is thinking to add them in volume 13. Perhaps she is thinking to completely change the course of the events. I really don't know this.
What I know is that finally I get an answer to my doubts about the relationship between Yano and Yuri.
Ok if you don't want to read the spoiler please stop here.
if you are mad curious just like me ( de-he) just carry on reading.
It appears that after being rejected again by Yano, Yuri didn't show up at work for a few days (?). Maiko decides to go and see her to make sure she is ok. When she gets there find the entrance door open and Yuri lying on the floor.
Unfortunately I am not able to quote the text in these scene because it is all in chinese but from various commentaries which I managed to translated it appears that *Yuri attempted to kill herself*. OMFG, when I read this sentence I literally jumped on my seat.
This is exactly what I was expecting from her!!! I couldn't believe that this part was omitted in the volume leaving me in complete and utter confusion as to why those two were living together. After this scene, everything makes so much sense!!
Also, I am assuming that the last line "don't seek to save me" appears after this sequence. Then the one saying it must not be Yano but Yuri herself?
Anyway now is pretty obvious why Yano decided to go and live together with Yuri. Yuri extreme action left Yano with no other choices. Especially if we consider the past experience with Yano's mother.
Yano is already guilt ridden for his mother's death. She took her life on the day he was due to leave for Hokkaido. He feels responsible for overlooking her mother's feelings. He was to absorbed in leaving and seeing Nanami.
He now must feel the same towards Yuri. The idea of being responsible for another death ( the third after Nana and his mother) is simply too much to bear ( for everybody) so he has no choice but to accept her ultimatum.
to download BGI vol 12 ( japanese) click here
to get the missing pages of chapter 47 ( chinese) click here
to read the full version online ( chinese) click here
*** very important edit: chapter 47 in English is up and available to download on Jshojo******
Posted by ema at 1:20 am 10 comments
Saturday, 17 January 2009
Bokura ga ita chapter 47
I know that chapter 46 was scanlated and upped only a few weeks ago but after finishing it I was so desperate for more that I spent the couple of days googling for spoilers. I wasn't hoping for a anything bigger than a simple summary or a review from a reader. After a few researches ( and lots of translating, LOL)the bits of info translated in English started to fall into place and and trust me, the results had me in tears *of joy*. Seriously, this time I got more than I bargained for
But let's proceed with order.
In a previous post ( the one about chapter 46) I already mentioned a link to a recap translation of the first part of chapter 47 . Once again mani thanks to Nervous Venus from the Animesuki forum for translating and sharing !!
We left Yuri in a mission to conquer Yano's heart and to do so she undergoes a style transformation (also thanks to the help of her friend Maiko). Maiko really cares about Yuri. She tries to help her out and obtain Yano's tel number ( at the end she only gets his email address from a co-worker) but also she tries to make Yuri come to reason with her obsession with Yano. I find the dialogue between the two girls really interesting.
Maika: The love you have, Yuri-chan, it seems like you're trying to ensnare him.
Yuri: Isn't that what love is supposed to be like? It's like strategizing. Will he get into this or that? Like that.
Maika: I don't know about the old Yano, but you can't truly get this Yano the way you are now.
... That person is easy going, but it's like he doesn't have feelings. He laughs a lot, but his heart isn't beating. It's like a part of him is gone somewhere. The part that still remains, well it's gentle, but also cold. Even if you get together, I don't think you'll both be happy.
Yuri: Happy?
Maika: Yuri-chan, I think you're the kind of person who wants to be loved.
The text over Yuri reads: How ridiculous. That sort of thing, I've learned not to expect it by now.
Maika: What you really want is someone who truly loves you right?
The text reads: I don't believe in that anymore.
Yuri: ...So in the end, you're just looking down on me, aren't you?

This tell how disillusioned Yuri is about love and that her obsession with Yano really is the result of a selfish feeling rather then true love. But can we really blame her ? How can we expect her to love and act selflessly towards someone when she never experienced that type of love herself?
In the second part there is another dialogue which enlighten us to Yuri's true desperation. Her mum comes to Tokyo and finds out that she works part-times and never enrolled university. She is obviously shocked and angry at her but during their conversation Yuri's mom also discloses more than simple rage towards her daughter. Her words are really harsh and full of contempt and seem to unveil the root cause of Yuri's misery: her sister Nana
Yuri must have always suffered from a inferiority complex, she is nothing like her sister, she doesn't have her looks, she doesn't have her carefree attitude. Even more , now that Nana is dead, the comparison becomes unbearable. Now that I think about it, I have never seen Yuri crying about her sister's death. She also said it herself. And was quite shocked about it. but for this very reason I don't think she's a despicable person. She's simply unable to do it. probably the day she lost her sister, she lost her family as well. Her mum says
Ever since that child died, our family's been ruined. You and your father, both of you are always doing things the way you feel like it. If that child was alive, things wouldn't have turned out this way
This tells me a lot about Yuri's lack of love. When Nana was alive she was suffering because she felt inferior to her ( probably Nana was the favourite daughter) after her death the family was ruined. Probably her parents were too wrapped in their grief to notice that she needed to be loved too?
Yuri does not dream to be loved. She needs it. She is so desperate to be loved she turns to the only person who ever showed her some affection, Yano. She knows that he's not in love with her. But she also knows that she can survive with the little Yano can give her. The conversation at the bar is meaningful
Yuri: That time, you felt sorry for me, didn't you?
Yano looks up at her.
Yuri: Tell me. Even though it was pity, there was still love there.
The text reads : Tell me.
Yuri is weeping.
The text reads: Tell me that there were feelings.
Yuri recalls him sitting beside her in class.
The text reads: Because you were different. From everyone else, from other people. You were the only one who..
Yano: I only used you. I told you, didn't I? You were a replacement for Nana.

And finally we get to Yano who is desperately trying to cope with his own tragedies.
Probably he is doing it the wrong way but at least he is trying. Yes, Yano made the mistake of using Yuri back in junior high, but I think that life made him pay a lot more than he really owned for that very mistake ( think about Nana, His mother, Nanami and yes his best friend Take..he lost him as well). His past is a constellation of tragedies and loss whom he is desperately trying to escape from. He hit the rock bottom so many times he should have gone insane already. The past he is trying to kill off is constantly hunting him. It is no coincidence that during the night out with his friend, after meeting Yuri, he felt so sick . The memories awakened all of a sudden and shook him inside. In spite of his best efforts his life is still anchored to his past and is dragging him down. Being so weak and out of love himself, Can he really give Yuri the love she needs?
Please bear with me cos the most interesting part is yet to arrive
Posted by ema at 9:43 pm 4 comments
Labels: anime, bokura ga ita, love, manga, romance
Friday, 16 January 2009
Marmalade boy ~ girlfriend
You know sometimes I realise that I spend way too much time on Youtube wasting precious minutes on idiotics videos ( making mr more idiotic for watching them *lol*) but it's not always that bad.Sometimes you may get lucky and bump into something interesting. Take this vid for instance. (All credits go gokusanzokami who realised it ^^.) It's not only well made but really funny too. I like how it teases Yuu and all the girls after him *lol* I always felt that was a bit exaggerated. I mean everywhere Yuu goes there's always a girl ready to kiss him or throw herself in his arms..Is he the only guy in the planet???..geez!! I really felt for the poor Miki ( not that Miki was any different LOL and to tell you the truth even Miki was quite popular with guys..the only difference is that they were less pushy than their female counterparts)
Posted by ema at 12:27 am 0 comments
Labels: AMV, anime, love, manga, marmalade boy, music, pop, romance
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
Bokura Ga Ita ~ 我们的存在 AMV chapters 50-51
what a cute AMV, feels like reading the manga with added soundtrack *LoL* which for me works perfectly, since I can't really read Chinese. I noticed that, for some reasons, on the Internet you can only find the last 3 chapters in Chinese ( available to read online 49, 50, 51, I'll soon post the link to download) ...Little digression... in Chinese the title of the maga is written "我们的存在" and translates in OUR EXISTENCE which personally I find way more attractive than WE WERE THERE.
I tried to do a quick search myself but I wasn't able to find a single scanned page in Japanese. Hopefully the people who are dealing with the actual translation might have the original hard copies but still I find it strange. On the contrary, the Chinese chapters are up on several sites....
Having said that, there are several Japanese blogs commenting the chapters. Although there were no major spoilers. Most of the details discussed are already on wikipedia...
On a bright side, the second volume of WE WERE THERE arrived yesterday ( yay!!, I already pre-ordered vol 3 and 4 from Amazon) It's so nice to pick up the story from the very beginning.. when they were there, together..
Monday, 12 January 2009
Marmalade Boy AMV
Well this time is an all time favourites, Marmalade boy. I made this amv during the summer while I was frantically waiting for the last volume of the manga to arrive in the post. Apparently the manga is out of production :/ so I had to search quite a lot to find it..
And trust me that wasn't easy when the volume arrived it had some pages missing.. coincidentially they were the most romantic moments between Yuu and Miki, including their kiss at the hotel!! WTF!!! Anyway, I got a second copy delivered few days later by the same people at Amazon, which was great. The last volume is just epic! way better than the anime itself. MInd you I love the anime a lot, in some part they improved the original story especially for some characters. At some point I liked Kei way more than Yuu himself. Of course I cannot say the same as in the manga version Kei has such a marginal role. I think the anime did great in many parts but the ending. The last two episodes were basically nonsense and disappointing to say the least. The manga on the contrary had a far better conclusion balancing drama and consistency really well.
Back to the Amv. As you can see I decided to include some Kei scenes in it as the Anime version Kei really hit me. He is one of the most interesting and charming characters in MB. I used the anime OST. I really like this piece especially the first part ( it is so dramatic *lol*). The second part is kinda ok although I think it doesn't fit really well with the initial mood. It is quite a shame because this piece could have been one of my top favourites but then the merry music in the second part spoils it all. In facts, I don't like it at all. it seems that are they are just two random pieces of music forced together. I feel that the AMV reflect this as well.
I wanted to post it anyway cos the dramatic part is just too good to me missed.
Mp3 of the music here
Posted by ema at 10:07 pm 0 comments
Labels: AMV, anime, love, manga, marmalade boy, music, obsession, romance
Friday, 9 January 2009
Drops of memory
I don't know how It never occurred to me before.. but this song, this very song which I have been listening for years has written Bokura ga ita all over it..The lyrics, the music..everything fits so perfectly within the context of Nana and Yano'story. Maybe it's just my obsession speaking but by readind the lyrics I couldn't help but thinking about their situation....**MUST CREATE NEW AMV NOW* lol . The song is sung by Giorgia and is the soundtrack of a 2003 Italian film named "Facing Window". A very touching film about life, love and memories like only Ferzan Ozpetek can direct.
The song itself is already superb it wouldn't even need a video to promote it. Anyway if you really want to watch the video you can find it on Youtube. I have added a fan made video to this post as I don't like the official one very much. Besides ( and for once) I'll recommend to focus on the music rather than on the images as Giorgia's voice is so great it will move you even if you don't understand a word of Italian. The mp3 of the song is already available on the Internet and can be found here. There is also a instrumental version which you can listen here ( according to my ipod this is the #1 in my most played list *lol*)
Below, you can find the translation of the lyrics ( I tried to keep the translation as literal as possible and I apologise in advance if the text doesn't sound as poetic as the original...)
These new tears
are drops of memory
we are souls
in a indelible story
The countelss times you'll come
look for me in my empty rooms
it is inestimable
your absence that belongs to me
We are inseparable
so similar and fragile
yet we are already so distant
With a freezing chill in my mind
I am running towards you
we face the same trenchant fate
that will change us
we are waiting only for a sign
a destiny, an eternity
tell me how can I do
to reach you now
to reach you now
to reach you
Uh, ah, ah
We are drops of a past
that cannot be anymore
the time betrayed us
is elusive
I will tell about you
I will invent for you
what we don't have
The promises have fallen down
like rain on us
the words are tired
I know that you will listen
We are waiting for a new journey
a destiny, a truth
tell me how can i do
to reach you now
to reach you now, (mmm)
to reach you, yeah
Posted by ema at 9:10 pm 0 comments
Labels: AMV, anime, bokura ga ita, love, music, obsession, romance, tv
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
a new year's tale
On the 5th of December I swore myself that the dress I was going to buy for the Christmas work do was also going to be my New years eve outfit. Well that was before seeing this.
What can I say.It was love at first sight. As soon as i spotted it i rushed to the dressing room and handed it to my sister ( she was the one looking for a new frock*lol*).She put it on and i thought it was simply gorgeous. Even more when I noticed the 50% off tag attached to it. ( yay!!) My sister however was still not convinced so we left the shop ( and the dress to its destiny. A couple of cold wintery days went by and still the dress was there waiting for me. I swear I saw it was looking at me from the shopping window . I had to test if it was just my imagination playing tricks on me. That's it, After a lot of pondering I walked into the shop... 10 minutes before it shut down ( much to the shop assistants' joy, I should say ^^") Once I put it on I knew this was the dress I was going to wear on New years eve. ( well maybe not exactly that as it was a size 10 and I needed a 12 to be able to breathe).Anyway, never a story had a happier ending than this one. When i walked to the till the price was knocked down by 70% wohoa...That must be the destiny..
Monday, 5 January 2009
Bokura ga ita **keeping the hope up**
well well well... I still haven't given up the idea that Bokura ga Ita could stay incomplete forever so I continued my desperate search for news. It seems that the rumor for a possible new chapter release on the 26th was just a rumor after all I wasn't able to find any confirmation from the official sources. What I found today however is a tiny bit of information which looks more reliable than the previous news. Apparently on the issue 12 of Betsucomi " BGI is listed to be continued. We don't have a date yet ( so we may even talk about the end of 2009 for this matter) but clearly this shows an intention to go on with the story. And it also means that Obata sensei herself may be fully recovering herself. By the way the original page for my source can be found here. The translated version I used is here. I apologise in advance for the poor quality of the translation Unfortunately the only tool at my disposal was google translator so i couldn't do any better ^^" hope you can still get a grasp of the entire post. Like I said I consider this piece of news (if can call it so myself) much more reliable than what I posted previously. Even because the notice on the Betsucomi website itself announces that the manga will be soon resumed. ( the translated version is not very clear but there you go )
So all in all..let's continue least we know that someday our patience shall be rewarded
Posted by ema at 1:03 am 0 comments
Labels: anime, bokura ga ita, japan, love, manga, obsession, romance
Saturday, 3 January 2009
Zero is my hero!!!
I just finished watching the last episode of Vampire Knight Guilty. man it feels like the first episode started yesterday and now is already over. About the ending, well I guess it couldn't be helped. Yuki and Kaname were sort of destined and like the Chairman said they couldn't escape their fate. So that was it. Here they walk off together in the sunshine with the Chairman blessing whilst Zero is left that is what I call a sad ending. Unless of course there is a plan for a series number three. I mean I have nothing against Kaname, of course he had his fair share of trouble and misery. He spent 10 years in the shadow witnessing the killing of his family watching his beloved sister Yuki from far away ( not so far away though) living a lonely life ( if we exclude the army of his fellow vampires) being unable to get close enough to protect her. That's far enough. but what about Zero? He has been trough the same amount of tragedy , was turned in a vampire against his own will yet he still accomplished his duty by killing Rido for the sake of all the students( vampires and humans in the academy). So what became of him in the end...we don't freaking know!! In a very emotional scene Yuki drink his blood and finally realises Zero's true feeling for her. This gives Kaname a few worries as for a moment he's lead to think Yuki will choose Zero but then Yuki appear with her suitcase packed up and ready to go.
After that Zero is completely neglected. There is only a brief scene in which he walks by the academy doors and remembers the old human Yuki calling him out to his guardian duties. Zero smiles at that memories and then walks away. Come on that scene can't really be the real conclusion to Zero's story. he is the hero of the episode and got such an anonymous ending, utterly unsatisfying for the great character he is. I do really hope that the anime creators are planning on a new series or the manga gives him more justice and the recognition he deserves!!
I haven't made this but I think the song fits particulary Zero. So Many Thanks to JraMWarrior for the nice music choice. Also Thanks for sharing it with all of us VK fans.
Posted by ema at 2:18 am 0 comments
Labels: anime, kaname kuran, love, manga, music, obsession, romance, vampire knight, zero kiryu
Friday, 2 January 2009
僕等がいた Bokura ga ita vol 13
Happy 2009!!!
We finally made it to the new year!!!
And my mind is going crazy. I have spent the last two days desperately trying to decipher google translations of Japanese news related to Bokura ga ita. I accidentally read something about a possible release of vol 13 on Jan the 26th and I couldn't contain myself *yaaaay squeals of joy*. However I try not to set my expectations too high. First I read the news on several blogs and forums but still there is no official confirmation. This is a big BUT since the release date is only a few weeks away. This new could be just a rumor as good as the anime season two release date last summer. Second Google translation are not so reliable since the translation is very bad and you have to work out a meaningful sentence yourself ( i.e. did I just read what i wanted to read or not?) Anyways I have also found a bulletin discussing about chapter 51 so I was able to get few details which may be helpful to the interpretation of the raw manga. *yay* Again, the bulletin is translated with google translator but with a bit of common sense I might be able to squeeze a few details. Oh gosh I just wish that we get some proper news anytime soon...
And the year is just started
Posted by ema at 3:32 am 2 comments
Labels: anime, bokura ga ita, love, manga, obsession, romance