First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!
Then a great news
It's official. chapter 46 is finally out! Thanks to all the people at Jshojo manga who took the time to scan translate and scanlate the chapter for all of us. It has been a long wait but at the end of the day i tamed my BGI cravings with spoilers and summaries. I know that may be equal to cheating but like I said it has been a long wait *lol*. I wonder what I'll do once we get to chapter 51. (OMG) Hopefully by then Obata sensei will be doing just fine and we'll have brand new chapters *giant star shaped eyes* ( or the final chapter ) released. We want to be there too, really really badly.
Anyway i have already discussed this chapter in a previous post so there is not much to say about it. Like i said there is no progression in the status of Yano and Nana's relationship. The chapter is mainly dedicated to Yuri and her story begins since her arrival to Tokyo. As you can see the girl is on a mission, to get Yano for herself that is. We can see she is spending lots of time on him writing letters ( not sure if he ever replied to any of them) and waiting at the train station just to see him walking by ( because he didn't even noticed her..i feel so sorry for that poor girl) Anyway we are also introduced to Yuri's new friend from work ( as Yuri ditches the studies to find a part time job). She will teach Yuri one trick or two on makeup in an attempt to improve her image ( and finally get Yano's attention, I assume)
Yano, well the man himself is literally killing himself working . From the summary I gathered he had two jobs but apparently he used to have more in the past ( he said that one had five jobs at the same time, i can't believe this is even humanly possible, but there) Anyway is clear that the guy is desperately trying to keep his mind busy to not to think about...his life. his mother's death...and Nanami?
Anyway for the moment he is working is butt off and he is totally unaware of Yuri's plans...
Can't wait to read chapter 47 now..
Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Bokura Ga Ita scanlation chapter 46
Posted by ema at 2:34 am 0 comments
Labels: anime, bokura ga ita, love, manga, obsession, romance
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
Love actually OST - Glasgow theme
It's Christmas ( well technically not anymore but we're still under the festive season) and whenever I think of Christmas films I think about Love Actually. This is one of those feel good movies that need to be watched at least once a year just to remind ourselves how great love can be. In every shape we like to intend it . The film is just this. It is a fine comedy about life, family, friendship and romance. Hardly I have ever come across a film that made me laugh and cry so much and leave you with that heartwarming feeling at the end.
I particularly like the scenes at the airport which open and close the film. The arrival moment when people finally get to meet and embrace their loved ones. it fits perfectly the description of love is all around. To tell you the truth those scenes get me every time. maybe it is because they are shot with real people rather then actors or maybe is just because I can relate so much to that situation. Few days ago I was at the airport myself anxious to see my family appearing from the arrival gates.
And then there is this piece of music. It is called The Glasgow theme. And I Love too bits
The artist is ( once again ^^) Craig Armstrong. This music is so sweet and melancholic it makes my heart melt. You can get the mp3 this way
Posted by ema at 12:25 am 0 comments
Labels: christmas, craig armstrong, life, love, music, romance, tv
Saturday, 27 December 2008
La Corda D'oro Primo Passo
I only have a word to describe this anime *sugoi* XD
la Corda D'oro is the latest anime I fell in love with. Well the anime per se is ok. The characters are all likeable and the male leads who opposite Kahoko are very different but equally hot !!! One minor point is the story lacks some serious romance. There are hints in every episodes and each of the guys seem to have their little crush on Kahoko ( i tell you she's one lucky girl) but in the end nothing really happens. A bit disappointing as I was hoping for some fights or possible angst..
Apart form that I seriously love the music. There are lots of classical pieces which are so great to listen to and the anime opening is brilliant too. the music and the voice is so dreamlike I couldn't help but listening to it every time I watched a new episode ( and I watched something like 16 episodes in one go)
Anyway I am really glad to know that probably there will be a series two. I do hope there is some development in a romantic sense between Kaho and one of the guys ( i like them all so at the end I don't really mind whom she will end up with)
Now i am after the manga as I am so dying to read more about this story. i wonder whether the manga is continuing the story after the anime ended.
Posted by ema at 12:50 am 0 comments
Labels: anime la corda d'oro, classical, love, manga, music, obsession, romance
Thursday, 25 December 2008
Merry Christmas
A joyful joyful Christmast to everybody. May your day be filled with joy and warmth f.
No matters your plans or if you snowed in. Hope you can spend the day with the people you love the most.
Posted by ema at 1:46 pm 0 comments
Labels: bokura ga ita, christmas, life, love, romance
Sunday, 21 December 2008
Christmas shopping. It's all done!
Well I can say that I have officially completed my Christmas shopping . Whoa I am quite impressed with myself because normally I am the type of person that still frantically goes in and out of the shops up until the early evening of the 24th. Because of my laziness I am the type of person that leaves the things until the very last minute but also I am very indecisive when it comes to buy a gift. Oh man, I am always worried to pick something that they have already or even worse something totally wrong. And here i start going back and forward thinking "no that thing i saw before is better than this one" or "I am not entirely convinced maybe I need to take a look at the next shop" and so on and on until i feel my legs aching so I decide to go back home and re-start tomorrow....thank goodness this year I had my hubby helping me out. He is not the type who likes spending a lot of time shopping so every time i had an idea about a gift he would take me straight to the shop and make me buy the gift without indulging too much upon things. Of course I couldn't take him with me when I went to buy his gift but then again after a lot of thinking in the past weeks I decided to go for a new xbox 360 *hopes he likes it* even if this afternoon when we went to buy a pressie for my sis he was staring with love shaped eyes to a ninendo wii console ( of course I panicked and I thought oh noo)
Anyway apart from this very scary episode I can say I am quite satisfied with the presents I have bought this year ( never mind the credit crunch lol, the vouchers I got from work did help a little ^_^)and of course I do hope that my family and friends will appreciate them too.
At the end of the day what I am really after is a very pleased look on their face when the get to unwrap their gift.
Saturday, 20 December 2008
Elisa di Rivombrosa- Rondo veneziano
A second elisa di rivombrosa video. I like this one particularly because unlike the rest of my edr amvs, this is not entirely focused on Elisa and Fabrizio's love story. It is more a celebration of aristocratic life in 18th century Italy. The AMV infact features all the ball scenes from series one and 2 .I had this idea while listening to Rondo Veneziano. This piece of music which I believe is named Rondo Veneziano like the group itself, ust be at least 20 years old. I remember my dad used to play the tape in the car radio when we were travelling all across Italy to go see our family for the sumer holidays. Ah those were the days lol. Unfortunately I cannot remember the title of the album but I am sure this was the first song. I had quite a hard time finding it because you know is not that easy trying to find a piece of music on the Internet when all you can remember is the actual tune *lol* . By the way I'll spare you the hard work, so to get the mp3 click here.
Posted by ema at 7:17 pm 0 comments
Labels: AMV, classical, elisa di rivombrosa, love, music, obsession, romance, tv
Elisa di Rivombrosa primavera
I was thinking to post one of my Elisa di Rivombrosa AMVs, then I decided to make a new one. It was a decision made on the spur of the moment ( as you can see from the quality of the video)
It's been a year since my last EDR AMV so wanted to give it a go. I decided to make a mash of 3 video I made in the past. One of them is "EDR Uninvited" . The other two are unpublished and probably they will remain such. (lol). Even because one of them is still unfinished. It was getting too sad and depressing. The video is called without you and for obvious reasons it turned out to be about Fabrizio's death and Elisa's life without him. Once I put Fabrizio's death scene in and I couldn't go on. Even when I removed the scene I felt that the video was way too tragic and I couldn't get myself to finish it. It was tainted. I freaking hate that scene but most of all I hate the total unnecessary plot of EDR2 they destroyed the magic for me. Rule no 1 You don't kill off the main protagonist in a story. Otherwise there is no story.
Anyway this piece of music by Ludovico Einaudi reminded me of EDR. I have been listening to this music for a few months now . I finally decided to make an amv as a celebration of the 5th anniversary of the first airing of EDR(1) on the 17/12/2003. The mp3 of the music can be downloaded here
I had to edit the music as the actual piece is about 7 mins long but is absolutely great to listen to.
Long live Elisa di Rivombrosa and the hopeless romantic-me ^_^
Posted by ema at 3:01 am 0 comments
Labels: classical, elisa di rivombrosa, love, ludovico einaudi, music, obsession, romance, tv
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
it's all about romance
Maybe I got carried away in my images downloading craze for the paladin Amv, but i couldn't leave this picture out and about on the web without getting a copy for my archive. I do enjoy reading a good story but for some reasons I find visual arts much more powerful in conveying certain feelings. It may be just a matter of timing.If the artist was to create this very scene in a novel It could have taken at least a whole to describe this moment including as much details as portrayed here. The picture offers you the same result in a glance. And I'd say that it makes more of an impact. Of course you can indulge in studying the details but that always happen in a second moment, just like when you re-read a sentence trying to unveil a new meaning to it.
The painting is called The Black Brunswicker and is a work by John E Millais. I like how the conflict between thr two character is enhanced by the color of their clothes. The man uniform is entirely black and the woman is dressed in white. A striking contrast which reflect the complete opposite state of mind of the two. The man is embracing his ideal of duty and responsibility. His posture is firm as much as his intention to leave. The hand is holding the door and his leg is about to take his step. His foot though is still attached to the ground as he hesitates one more moment to look at her for one last time. The woman's action, on the contrary, is much more emotional. She is literally throwing herself at him to push him away from the door. One hand is on the door's handle in an attempt to close the door ( and the world) behind her. The other is placed on his chest gently trying to stop his movement. In doing so i don't know if she is trying to protect him or seeking protection in him. The body language tells me that is more likely the second option. The woman cannot even look at him but they are both desperate for a physical contact ( see how his knee mirrors the position of her hand ) they are aware this may be the last time they can touch each other.
It's true that the soldier is trying to leave but his eyes are completely focused on her. I expect her to timidly raise her look and give in to the passion of their last kiss.
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
The Paladin AMV
I have put my BGI daydreaming aside these days as I was literally obsessed by the idea of making an AMV based on a mystery period fanfiction I have been reading. ( shall I call it fiction instead? After all the story is fully original and doesn't derive from any canon work). I have read only a couple of chapters so far but if the rest is as good as those chapter that novel will deserve more than a tribute AMV! (i'm sorry I can't name the fiction as I think the title hasn't been decided yet...)
The song I used is called the Paladin (the mp3 can be downloaded here). I think i got this song by chance. few months ago I was looking for some anime OST and I bumped in to a game soundtrack playlist called The Dark Age of Camelot. I liked the tune from the very beginning and for some reason it reminded me of the (fan)fiction I read. The funny thing is that the story in the fanfic is set in 15 century Florence and( of course) has nothing to do with Camelot or the Arthurian legends. Nevertheless I think it fits perfectly ( probably because the prologue of the novel has a very vivid description of a joust where the knights battle themselves in the public square)
The problem in making this video was finding appropriate images. this story is pure fiction so there are no pre-existing characters I could refer to . I could have used characters from other films/animes but since I have read so little of the novel I didn't feel I knew the characters to well to make this choice. But since I wanted to make this AMV so badly my resort was renaissance art ( well most of it)
Again, my knowledge of the plot and characters is very limited therefore I decided to use details and close up of the paintings to leave a certain shade of mystery.
I am pretty aware that nobody will know the story of this novel as I doubt has been posted anywhere yet but still I hope the video is enjoyable to watch.
Now that is done I can go back to my daydreaming ( oh why BGI chapter 46 is not out yet!!)
Posted by ema at 9:52 pm 0 comments
Friday, 12 December 2008
Warm This Winter
I found this new piece of music by Gabriella Cilmi that would be ideal to a Hiatary Ryoko related fan fic. This song is also very Christmassy so perfectly in theme with the current festive season.
LoL it's funny though. These days I am getting so many ideas about potential fanfictions, AMVs and stuff but I wonder whether i can get at least one of these concept realised..
As for Hiatary Ryoko I have a very long playlist of inspirational songs i could make a compilation (actually i was thinking about creating one I'm still unsure about the title but I have an idea to divide the songs by day and night)
I have already put the song on my ipod for my personal daydreaming sessions and I have been trying desperately to embed the mp3 to this post, but since i can't get the code off the site i uoploaded the song i have no choice but to link for direct download
Posted by ema at 4:43 pm 0 comments
Labels: christmas, gabriella cilmi, hiatari ryoko, music, random
Thursday, 11 December 2008
fraternal love
I've always wondered what is it that the Japanese mangakas and animators like so much about siblings incest. Is it much more tolerated than in western cultures? (of course my question concerns the realm of shoujo and romance stories, i mean i wouldn't find it as surprising if the anime in question would be hentai or a similar genre)
The general idea is that romance and sexual relationships between brother and sister is wrong in so many levels. Yet again when it comes to manga and anime the situation seem to be different. The protagonists are never condemned for their behaviour. Most of the times instead they are depicted as star crossed lovers whose sympathy is well deserved.
The first manga i ever came across was Lady Georgie. Technically I can't say it was incest as the protagonists weren't blood related but since they were raised as siblings for so many years it kinda shocked me that both Abel and Arthur were able to develop such feelings for their little sister. Not to mention Georgie herself who is the last one to know the truth about their "brothers"
Then Marmalade boy came along. It has to be said that in this story there are more extenuating circumstances. First Miki and Yuu don't grow up as brother and sister. At 15 years of age they suddenly become step siblings because of their family remarriages and fall in love virtually from day one. Second, they discover they may be blood related siblings after they have fallen for eachother but decide to be together regardless. Third, They aren't blood related after all ( lol)
More recently there is Vampire Knight. Yuki and Kaname'are brother and sister ( although we all know that Kaname is not the "real" Kaname but the reincarnation of the Kurans ancestor..I'm digressing here) but they belong to a very high elite of pureblood vampires hence they are allowed to marry and love each other ( their parents in fact were brother and sister...). Anyway even on this occasion I am able to overlook the incest factor because the story is not real life based. Besides vampires are known for more dreadful actions ( sucking other people's blood that is) so incest doesn't seem to be the worst connotation.
In "I love my little sister" however, the situation is different. The twin brothers Iku and Yori don't have any plausible excuse. The love story was presented in a very sweet manner but yet I couldn't root for them .No matter all the fluff, tears and romance. l i couldn't get past the fact that those two making out shared the same womb for nine months. To me, rather than their hearts it was their hormones talking..
Posted by ema at 7:59 pm 0 comments
Labels: anime, incest, life, love, manga, marmalade boy, random, romance
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
Fleurs du Mal/ Eden - Sarah Brightman
Omg I am so becoming Sarah Brightman's top fan right now...I had two post these two magnificent songs because they really just are magnificent.
The sound is so epic and glorius they give me so many ideas for a possible VK AMV..omg I don't know how long I can resist before I start cutting and editing
Posted by ema at 7:10 pm 0 comments
Labels: anime, kaname kuran, manga, music, obsession, romance, sarah brightman, vampire knight, zero kiryu
Sunday, 7 December 2008
hiatari ryoko
Oh what can I say about Hiatari Ryoko?I'd start by saying that It's my favourite work by Mitsuuru Adachi. I don't even care if it is not half as popular as Touch, there I said it . Unlike the latter, Hiatari Ryoko is a feel good story about 5 high schoolers living in the same board house. The characters are all likeable and after finishing Touch I felt so relieved to know that this time around there wasn't any tragedy ready to strike upon the life of the protagonists.
The plot is like a breath of fresh air and got me immediately. The characters are all likeable, especially the protagonists. Kasumi and Takasugi are such a cute couple and they bond in a way which is so comical and sweet at the same time it is really hard not to root for them . Although the manga lacks of very passionate moments ( apart from the famous firefly scene, anyway have to bear in mind this is not a shojo ) the story doesn't fail to deliver on an emotional level.
merit to the anime though for adding/modifying a few scenes with overly dangerous flirting, desire-fuelled looks and stolen kisses... ( lol my ever so hopeless romantic me was so happy). The manga however compensate the lack of flirty moments with the comic relief ( the comedy is just priceless).
There is only one thing which I liked to be different: Katsuhiko-san. Oh man, I cannot understand this guy at all. Is he even trying to be Kasumi's boyfriend or what? He seemed to root for Kasumi and Takasugi more than everybody else. What the heck was that?? I can understand being nice and having respect for your love rival but pushing your girl right into his arms is a bit too much!!! Didn't that bother him even a little? ( unless finding an excuse for dumping Kasumi was part of the plan all along lol...evil me lol)
Posted by ema at 8:59 pm 0 comments
Labels: adachi, anime, hiatari ryoko, manga, mitsuuru, romance, touch
Saturday, 6 December 2008
bokura ga ita chapter 46 and 47
it has been a month since the scanlation of chapter 45 so the next chapter should be up any day soon. Not long ago i found a summary spoiler of chapters 46 and 47 on Animesuki ( all the credit and thanks go to the original poster Nervous Venus, who took the time to read and translate these chapters for the joy of all BGI fans, yay!) so I managed to read the new chapters i have in raw. ( the raw of vol 12 are here . I also have the raw of vol 11 which can be downloaded here)
These two chapters do not show us any factual progression in Nana and Yano's love story. ( well at least chapter 45 had so many crucial points,it made me scream with joy.
First Nana finds out where Yano works ( which tells me it won't be long before we see her at his workplace looking for him). Second we know that Yano hasn't gotten over Nana yet ( that conversation with Aki must have shaken Yano's feeling very badly as he couldn't stop thinking about it for the rest of the night). Third, we find out that Yano is now living Yuri ( omg, this is a real shocker , which adds more angst and mystery to the plot. It will sure represent another big obstacle to a possible Yano and Nana's reunion).
At this point in time we don't know why/how Yano and Yuri happen to live together.
Chapter 46 and 47 start to unfold the mystery behind their relationship. Like Yano's story ( few chapters before) the events are narrated from the very beginning but this time it's Yuri's perspective.
I can't help but having mixed feelings about Yamamoto Yuri. On one hand you have to admire her perseverance. No matters how many times she's been hurt and rejected by Yano, she always comes back trying her hardest to win his heart ( and apparently she finally succeeded!)
On the other hand i fear her feelings for him are nothing but the result of a great deal of personal issues and lack of self-esteem. Why is she so desperate to get him to love her?
From what I can read Yano is the only form of love she has ever experienced in her life which is really sad, if you ask me. Even because Yano blantantly admitted to Yuri's face he did have sex with her just to get over his girlfirend's death ( aka Yuri's sister!!!!). He never showed any sign of affection towards Yuri after that event.
Still that meant something to Yuri. For the first time in her life she felt accepted, wanted and loved. So Yano's half-harted interest becomes the only happiness she can aspire to.
But what happended during these years that made Yano and Yuri's relationship change?
Can I believe that Yano finally accepts Yuri's feelings because he realizes she is the only one who can truly understand him?
After all, they have been through a lot together. Even more now , since both have experienced the premature death of a family member. They have a lot in common, but still something else must have happened to trigger Yano's heart change.
In chapters 46 and 47 the events are set after Yano's mother death so presumably Yano has already left Nanami and is still very cold towards Yuri. It is interesting to notice that Yano still refers to Nana as his girlfriend although he has broken contact with her.
Like Aki-chan said to Nana, Yano" Knew what was precious to him. He lived to protect those things.."
I remember Yano himself once said to Nanami something along the line: "when I become an adult I will be the one who protects not the one being protected" . Since he thinks he failed to protect his mother he fears he wont be able to protect Nanami either. Leaving her to Take was the best thing he could do in her own interest. I know, this is not exactly the best love confession but still i think is sweet( in a very twisted way)
I admit it. I am still struggling to understand why he decided to move in with Yuri Yamamoto. On one hand I think he may be still using her as a way to cope with his grief like the time back in junior high school. Although this seems a bit forced after all that happened back then. I would be somehow stupid of Yano to make the same mistake again. Unless this is the very mistake Yuri is pursuing. Probably she thinks that being Yano's rebound girl is the only way to be with him.
On the other hand I reckon that the reason may be much more subtle like somekind of emotional blackmail from Yuri's side. A very desperate love confession in which Yuri threatened tragic consequences should Yano decide to leave her again. Something which could have triggered all his guilt ridden memories about his mother's suicide.( I wont be surprised if it turns out to be true lol. Yuri is so desperate to be loved ( by Yano) that she doesn't even consider his feelings for that matter)
i don't find hard to believe that Yano is attracted to Yuri. But I can't convince myself 100% he is in love with her. Yuri has a very disillusioned idea about love itself but Yano hasn't. He seems to deny this to himself now, but after he made the choice to be with Yuri, why is he still haunted by those memories with Nanami? Could he just be feeling guilty about the way he left her ? Or is he regretting leaving her all together ?

In chapter 45, he talks about breaking his promises, hurting her feelings and trampling all over her trust... but we don't know what exactly is he referring to.
But I found really interesting that Yano kept himself is well informed about his (ex)girlfriend's current love/life situation in spite of the fact that they haven't seen/spoken to eachother for years.
More importanly, Yano never said he wasn't in love with Nana anymore. Nor to Takeuchi three years ago or Aki-chan more recently. That would have been the easiest thing to say to let Nanami go completely. yet he didn't ( or couldn't) say it
Posted by ema at 3:41 pm 3 comments
Labels: anime, bokura ga ita, manga, obsession, romance
Thursday, 4 December 2008
My Japanese name is Mana Asano
well at least according to this name generator *lol*. As a matter of fact I happen to like it quite a lot so I think i might stick with it for a while. there, I also took the time to look for the Japanese characters so
Watashi no namae
The picture is not totally unrelated to this post. I got this cute fortune owl from a Japanese shop during my last trip to York this summer ( even if I thought it was a bit pricey) .. i paid around £12.00 and the figurine is a 2 inches high and fits in the palm of my hand ( and i got very small hands) but i didn't bother too much it was also my birthday so and my- typical- cheap-self was reduced to silence for entire shopping spree that day
Besides, Owls are one of the most popular lucky charms in Japan because owl in Japanese is called 'fukurou' which means:
fu = no
kurou = hardship/trouble
fukurou = no hardship/trouble
Plus, it really does look cute.
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
car blues
Note to self. Never, I repeat, never ever ignore those flashing lights on your car dashboard again.
Those ain't Christmas decorations, luv. They actually mean something. Most of the times it's something quite bad...
I should have seen it coming, last night she gave me the final warning. A bright red light which read STOP and the battery acumen suggested it might be a problem with the battery but the car was working just fine so i decided i would deal with it on Friday afternoon. That's because It's way too cold to even consider the idea to go to work by bus. That would cost me at least 1 hour more to travel in the coldest hours of the day. No way. The car is just fine
This morning I looked out the window and noticed that the world outside was covered with snow. My mind was at ease though, after all the car is just fine.
I slipped over the icy road all the way to the car, scraped the ice off the windscreen and started the engine. Wow it really is fine. First the car gets stuck in the middle of the road while i was attempting a reverse manoeuvre. Thankfully the snow wasn't too thick so after a while I managed to drive off..
That red warning light was still on desperately demanding my attention.
I discarded the issue with a "if it is the battery then worst case scenario the car won't start again on my way back home. Oh well...
I drove up to the first junction and stopped at the red light. The car was shaking a little. I was in complete denial. I even blamed the poor weather condition and the snow (???)
As soon as I passed the second junction the car decided that enough was enough. It started shaking really badly. I saw the all dashboard leds flashing together shouting PULL IN YOU MORON in Morse code.
I felt the car loosing speed no matter how hard i pressed the accelerator. And I immediately understood that was it. i couldn't even turn the hazard lights on. The car died on me just like that.
As a punishment the AA made me wait 3 hours for the recovery service whilst the guys at the phone kept on telling me it would be there in 20 minutes. There was snow and ice all around me and my feet went numb.
Plus, the car is not fixed yet and I arrived at work two and a half hours late as a result ( and this thanks to my hubby, who came to the rescue and lent me his own car he went to work by bus instead*feeling so guilt ridden now*.
Posted by ema at 10:06 pm 0 comments
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Bokura ga ita AMV - futari no kisetu ga
Yet again it's Bokura ga Ita *lol*. This is the first BGI related AMV so I am kind of emotionally attached to it ( Takeuchi's words may be cut up ..sorry had to rely more on the subs rather than the spoken part as i don't know japanede...). The video features the OST Futari no kisetu ga ( which is one of my favourite tracks!)
Posted by ema at 7:31 pm 0 comments
Labels: anime, bokura ga ita, manga, music, obsession
Sunday, 30 November 2008
inspirational songs
Whilst I celebrate for the arrival of We Were There vol 1 today in the post (yay), I shall post some inspirational music. The song is This Love by Sarah Brightman, rearranged by Craig Armstrong . I have only one word to describe it. Perfect. It puts me on the right creative mood for some BGi daydreaming. This song would be the ideal soundtrack for the oh-so-longed meeting between Yano and Nana in season 2. I alread picture the scene at the airport. Nana is still Among the crowd of passanger walking by, tears are running along her cheeks. She looks at the silhouette disappearing in the crowd. That person wasn't Yano after all. She feels the hope vanishing aswellas the strenght from her body. She cannot see the people walking along. Finally she moves towards the exit without noticing those eyes that followed her all along..
Posted by ema at 11:31 pm 0 comments
Labels: AMV, anime, bokura ga ita, craig armstrong, manga, music, obsession
Mark Owen - Kill with Your Smile
I never understood why Mark Owen never released this song as a single. I think it would have made a hit, this songs stands out and is one of the best track from In Your Own Time. It truly deserved some recognition of its own.
For some reason I had this image of a B/W carousel stuck in my mind from the first moment i listened to this song. I was in shock when I found out ( a few weeks later during his gig at the Shpeherd Bush in London 04) that they used the same idea for the video "How do you love".
On a different note, I really like Take That's new single "Greatest Day". Those guys are much like a bottle of fine wine. They get better with age *thatter pride awakens* lol. To listen to the single, click here. In mp3 format, here
Saturday, 29 November 2008
Croatian Rhapsody
His name is Maksim Mrvica ( surname is pronounced Maravitsa) He is 33 years old and a very talented pianist. His repertoire includes classical music to which he fuses contemporary pop and rock sounds. The result is indeed a very unique style and is now become his trademark.
I stumbled across a few clips of his performance, at the Round House in London, on YouTube and i was quite impressed by how beautifully he played Rachmaninov's Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini.
His concerts are far from those of the typical classical performers ( not to mention his attire. leather pants, wristbands, sleeveless shirts and ultra styled hair *so cool* he would be an ideal bishounen character for a manga *lol*)
At the Roundhouse world premiere the executions was often accompanied by dancers and big light effects. Dazzling show.
Although he is mostly known for his classical/pop-rock crossovers he is extremely good with the original arrangements too.
His most popular performances, however, have split the public opinion Those who love him for introducing a modern twist to classical pieces and those who hate him for the very same reason: classical music has to be,by definition, classical.
Purists' ears may be horrified of his version of Hendel's Sarabande with an electronic upbeat nevertheless these re-elaborations don't fail to deliver and attract the attention of several music enthusiasts.
I can't help but wonder if the original composers themselves would have used the same base and instruments if they lived in our time. And I say, why not?
Posted by ema at 12:55 pm 0 comments
Labels: classical, life, maksim mrvica, music, pop, rock, romance
Friday, 28 November 2008
Bokura ga Ita Lose yourself
Well a bit of a bizarre combination but i felt it was worth a try so, there you go. Obviously the clips are form Bokura ga Ita and the music is from Eminem. The AMV is far from perfect though. there are a few passage to re-edit and I don't like the ending, but eh I was still experimenting the tricks of Sony Vegas. I might work on it again as soon as I find more inspiration on how to change the final scenes.
I admit this video gave quite a few problems in editing, compressing and uploading. grrrr I was planning to post on YouTube but it got rejected due to copyright claim in the song ( or perhaps it's just the idea of having Eminem somehow related to a shoujo anime *lol*). Anyways at least hope I can post it here.
Posted by ema at 12:02 am 0 comments
Labels: AMV, anime, bokura ga ita, love, manga, music, romance
Thursday, 27 November 2008
Kelly Osbourne: Turning Japanese
This is a 3 parts show featuring Kelly Osbourne who spent 2 months in Japan in a mission to learn more about the people and the culture.
I catched the second episode on Monday and will try to watch the 3rd on Dec the 1st. Not a fan of her myself but I think it's worth a shot to get a glimpse of Japanise life.
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
Zero is my number one....bite me!!!!!!!
Oh man, this anime really hits me. And I still ignore the reason why. What is it that i like so much? Like everybody else I happened to watch films based on the Bram Stoker's novel and also read about vampires but i never fully enjoyed these stories essentially because horror is really not my genre. And generally speaking when I think about vampires I normally think about monstrous creatures and dreadful tales of death, darkness and sorrow. No matter how sensual and full of romance the background may be.
In the case of Vampire Knight, the actual horror is reduced to a minimum ( I'd say is quasi non existent)and is just enough to support the clichés linked to the popular myth. The sense of darkness and macabre depends mostly on the inner conflict within each individual character. This may disappoint some fans of the genre but works perfectly for me. For once, I manage to enjoy a vampire story without having to endure any crude scenes.
And for the first time I come to realise one of the most intriguing and fascinating aspects about vampires: the sexual appeal
on Wikipedia i found this interesting quote on Stoker's novel Dracula
- What has become clearer and clearer, particularly in the fin de siècle years of the twentieth century, is that the novel's power has its source in the sexual implications of the blood exchange between the vampire and his victims...
[..]The penetration of skin by sharp canine teeth easily evokes both violence and eroticism.
People are regularly asked what they found so appealing about the vampire. The answers reveal incredible diversity. Qualities mentioned include: eroticism, immortality, power, victimization, beauty, elegance, romanticism, the supernatural, mystery, and the unknown.
Of these, three were mentioned most often, the first of which was sexual attraction. People found the biting
and blood-sucking element of the vampire extremely sexual. They also found the fact that vampires are immortal quite appealing. The third major appeal of the vampire is power. The vampire's dominance in the biting of its victim was especially highlighted in this category. All three of these appeals are supported with extensive
testimony by vampire fans.
In Vampire Knight, however the sexual tension is constant therefore impossible to overlook. There's nothing explicit going on but the biting scenes are portrayed in such a passionate way that is so natural to read more to it.
Just to give an example, here's how Aido, one of the vampires from the Night class describes the moment she will be bitten by the pureblood vampire Kaname.
One day, Kaname's lips will lightly touch this neck of yours, and slowly, Kaname's teeth will sink in... If you hear the sound of Kaname drinking your own blood, Yuki-chan, then, for sure, you'll feel ecstasy, Yuki. You should offer yourself to Kaname-sama, plead to him, "Please drink my blood."
Obviously the sexual vibes are all there. And the vampires themselves happen to be beautiful and extremely attractive creatures as well. The main characters include Kaname a pureblood vampire, Yuki a young human girl unable to remember her own past and Zero a vampire hunter who *alas* due to an evel twist of fate was turned in to a vampire himself.
Although I like all the characters Zero is definitely my favourite. To me he is the one who has the most intriguing personality, not to mention the biggest conflict. He suffered a lot in the past, and was turned in the very thing he hates the most. To add insult to injury Yukki, the only person he loves and cares about, is in love with the noble pureblood Kaname ( the horror!! Imagine what a shock when he finds out that Yuki herself is a pureblood vampire...will she become his mortal enemy like the rest of the vampire or will he have to change for her? and what about Kaname?) There is so much love and angst in him i can barely resist!!!!.( besides, he looks just *hot*)
Posted by ema at 9:01 pm 0 comments
Labels: anime, kaname kuran, manga, vampire knight, zero kiryu
Sunday, 23 November 2008
Obsessions, the early years. Aishite night
I don'th think you can turn a hopeless romantic overnight. It HAS to be in your genes. They may lay there dormant for years and then make their appearance all of a sudden. In my case though, the signs were all there, visible and tangible to the entire world, from the very beginning. Or at least as long as I can remember. And the evidence is Aishite Night.
The story revolves around a 18 years old girl named Yakeo ( although people always call her Yakko) who divides herself between her evening classes at University and her day work at her father's Okonomyaki restaurant ( "The Mambo"). Yakko's ordinary life ( as well as her father's ) is completely upset when she discovers her passion for rock music and an emerging local band *in particular*called "The BeeHives". Actually her main interest would be the lead singer, Go Kato, who eventually will become the love of her life *awwwww*
The anime is about 23-24 years old, so yeah is rather vintage. Can't remember the exact year it was first showed on the italian TV. I later found out that it arrived in 1985 but To me it's like one of those things that have been existing for ever. it must have had such a big impact in me since even now , Ai shite night is one of my most cherished love stories ever.
On my Youtube account you can find a playlist with the 42 episodes of the anime ( alas they are dubbed in german though). However in order to fully enjoy this story I'd definitely recommend the manga.
The anime version is quite entertaining the tunes are quite catchy ( especially if you are fond of the music of the 80s) but is not as sublte as the manga. Compared to the original story the anime is way more naive and simplistic. The character themselves lack of all the complexity and the ambiguity portrayed in the manga. I don't think is a bad thing after all... The 7 years old me enjoyed the anime to bits while the 20something me is loves the manga, so everybody is happy LOL
Nevertheless the anime was a huge hit at that time ( and not only among the kids), a bit like Itazura na kiss nowadays. The comparison is not casual as the author is the same person, Kaoru Tada. There are a lot of similarities between the the two stories and especially the personalities of the lead characters. Naoki and Go are both cocky and a bit self-centered. whereas Kotoko and Yakko are two complete klutz and emotionally dependant on their love interest. Even the familiar situation is the same. Both girls are only child who grew up without a mom, as she died at a young age. Both of them were raised only by their fathers who coincidentally have the same job... as both own of a typical Japanese restaurant. *lol*
Anyway apart from these details, the stories are completely different from each other. the main focus of ai shite night ( besides romance) revolves around the music and the increasing popularity of the BeeHives. I think this was a new concept at the time, hence the great success of the story. in the manga version the lyrics were written by real musicians. If I remember correctly they were witten by a Japanese rock band called 44 magnum ( much of the style and look of the BeeHives is inspired to them anyway). The anime added a bonus since you get to listen to a real song played by professional artists which render the whole idea more vivid. I personally fell in love with the voice who played Go's songs in the italian version . I think that this one and the Spanish are the best performances realised out of all the version i listened to ( including the French, German and Japanese **lol**)
Posted by ema at 2:55 pm 0 comments
Labels: ai shite, anime, itazura na kiss, kaoru tada, manga, music, night
Patty Griffin - Rain
This is the product of a very random-based search. I was on Youtube looking for some inspirational songs for some new video or mere daydreaming. i was looking for some bittersweet romantic music so i decided to put my choice in the destiny's hand and typed the word RAIN in the search box.
This is the first time i heard about Patty Griffin. Honest. but I have officially fallen in love with this song ( and the lirycs too)
It's hard to listen to a hard hard heart
Beating close to mine
Pounding up against the stone and steel
Walls that I won't climb
Sometimes a hurt is so deep deep deep
You think that you're gonna drown
Sometimes all I can do is weep weep weep
With all this rain falling down
Chorus: Strange how hard it rains now
Rows and rows of big dark clouds
When I'm holding on underneath this shroud
Its hard to know when to give up the fight
Two things you want will just never be right
Its never rained like it has to night before
Now I don't wanna beg you baby
For something maybe you could never give
I'm not looking for the rest of your life
I just want another chance to live
Chorus x2
Strange how hard it rains now
Rows and rows of big dark clouds
When I'm still alive underneath this shroud
Rain Rain Rain
This gives me such a Yano and Nana love mood *likes it**
Posted by ema at 3:34 am 0 comments
Saturday, 22 November 2008
that (in)famous scene at the airport
LOL just a bit of speculation here. Really. I find my self wondering how things might turn up on chapter 52 ( if they are ever gonna meet in this chapter that is). Is that guy at the airport really Yano? Is he not? OMG I'm NEED to know :D I'm wondering what their first reaction will be like . Especially Yano's. ( granted that Nana will cry her eyes out XD).
Posted by ema at 12:45 am 0 comments
Labels: anime, bokura ga ita, manga, obsession
Friday, 21 November 2008
(dreaming about) the day they will meet again
Posted by ema at 1:04 am 0 comments
Labels: anime, bokura ga ita, love, manga, romance
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
Bokura Ga Ita Manga AMV
This is the result of a sunday morning spent at home with the flu.( LOL). I first heard this song in an episode from Grey's anatomy ( was it in the 2nd season?? by the way I am a big MerDer fan!!) I immediately fell in love with this tune the moment i heard it.
Posted by ema at 7:29 pm 0 comments
We were there. The story so far
The manga has been licenced by Viz media and the first volume was released at the beginning of the month. The second volume will be out the 6Th January 2009.
I got my own copy and preordered the second from Amazon. ( I don't normally preorder but since i had some credit left from my amazon voucher i decided to go for it ...and I'm quite glad i did it!!!)
For me this is such a good news as the unlicensed version available online is fragmented. There is no way to find scanalations of the chapters 13 up to 32 online. This is because the manga was translated by two different groups.
The first one, Perfect illusions, translated from chapter 1 up to 12. ( I am not aware of any update re new releases from Perfect Illusions. Since the manga has been licenced they may have dropped the project altogether)
The second group, jshojo, is translating from chapter 33 ( basically where the anime ended) and they are currently up to chapter 45. Here i just found a note on the Jshojo website saying that they are currently working on the next chapter, so yay!!
So, if you want feel the gap in the story I definitely recommend to watch the anime. The anime is still unlicensed and the english subbed episodes are available on ( here.) .There are 26 episodes in total and the story is quite faithful to the original one. Also the art is quite enjoable to watch.
By the way hosts the scanalation of the manga as well. So, if you want to take a look and download a couple of chapters feel free do so but please make sure you do buy the licenced version!!
Posted by ema at 5:09 pm 0 comments
Labels: amazon, anime, bokura ga ita, manga
My current obsession : BOKURA GA ITA
Indeed "Bokura Ga Ita" has soon become one of my recurring obsession. I also named this blog after it, come on. I mean it. Seriously.
( Bokura ga ita is the Japanese for We were there) Anyways, if i were to use an obsession scale ranked from 1 to 5 (where 5 is the maximum of obsession I am capable of) , I would rate BGI a 4, which is quite impressive considering that i discovered this story only a month ago. I haven't marked it 5 as my assessment should also take into account the time life of my obsession as well as any related activity, ( participation to discussion forums, fan-fiction, AMV and all sorts) . The more creative I get , the higher the rank . Normally I don't like splashing out in frivolous things but if it is a desire compelled by my obsession's satisfaction, I am all for it. So this should also be part of my assessment XD
To date, I only have a level 5 obsession, this is an Italian period drama called Elisa di Rivombrosa. It first aired in 2003 and I am still obsessed with it.
I am digressing now, back to the topic the plot of BGI is quite intriguing. It starts off as a normal shoujo manga. High school girl meets popular high school boy and falls for him. then there is a twist, the story gets more real than the normal oh-so-fluffy shoujo material. in my opinion THIS does the trick . For those who don't know the plot or are acquainted only with the anime version, I shall post the link from Wikipedia,
The manga has a second part that has not been included in the anime version. The second part is still ongoing although the manga has been on hiatus for about a year now. And I am still waiting to know if the silhouette Nana spots at the airport belongs to Yano.
Posted by ema at 12:14 am 0 comments
Labels: anime, bokura ga ita, manga, obsession
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
definition of obsession.
OK, since this blog is all about my obsessions i decided that my very first post should have had a clear definition of the term obsession to start with.
Very well then. An obsession is in fact an impulse triggered by an "object" ( be it an image, a person or a idea) which generates a series of recurring thoughts that cannot be ignored. Of course I am no t an expert so i'll say that this definition should be applied to the way I feel about my own obsessions.
By the way I like the fact that an obsession is some sort of Impulse. It gives a positive connotation to the word itself. When you talk about an obsession you always refer to it as something negative. In this case the word impulse gives you a more optimistic idea. And here you start thinking about pulsation, instinct, sudden desires, energy and life itself.
We are all happy to have impulses, they make feel us alive whereas having an obsession is something you need to be worried about. ( or if you're like me, just make a blog about it )
Anyway before deciding to open this blog, I surfed the Internet in search of some self-help tips to deal with my obsession.I came across this page on Wiki How . Full article here
The text in blue is mine
- Understand it won't stop immediately. When you are obsessed, it is a bit like addiction - it won't go away overnight. Start by slowly stopping. If you try to completely stop, at first it won't work. After you feel the obsession is easing off, stop some more. ( how about tablets like when you try to quit smoking? otherwise you'll get withdrawal symptoms)
- Find something else. Try to be obsessed on something else ( this is priceless XD). It helps if it is something your friend is obsessed about ( what happens if the friend tries the same technique?). If you can't get obsessed with it, just pretend (lol ). When you start forgetting about the other thing, stop going on about both of them.
- Take away reminders. If you have stuck pictures of it all over your wall or something, start taking them off. Remember, though, that like everything else, if you do it straight away it won't work. The more gradually the better. Anything that is going to remind you of the obsession will not help. (tough, what about the pictures in my mind O_o *obsessive imagination*)
- Make sure you know you want to. Remember that almost everyone is obsessed about something(phew), be it lampposts, cars or celebrities. Do not be ashamed of an obsession, but understand that one will just lead to another. ( hence there is no way out, yay!!!)